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The Beast was a young prince who lost his father, and whose mother had to wage war to defend his kingdom. 


Time during pandemia and after has been pretty hard for everyone and for me as well. It all turned into some kind of journey of rediscovering myself in a totally new way. This photo is showing the atmosphere and the feeling of being in the discovery process so well. 


My mom came to visit me in Stockholm. We spent the day out at Djurgården and took the bus back home. I love her.

Puerto Rico

PCOS is a photographic project that records my journey since March 2021, when I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Through an exploration of the self, I analyze my condition, how it manifests in my body, my mind, and the experience of regulating it.

PCOS, in its most simple forms, is a condition that only female-born women can experience. The leading diagnosis notices multiple ovarian cysts in the ovaries. However, PCOS extends further and complicates many areas of the female reproductive system such as an irregularity in your hormones, insulin level and menstruation cycles. Other symptoms may be excess hair growth, acne, obesity, inflammation, excess androgen, and dark patches in the skin, among others. Bodily and mental complications include infertility, diabetes, natural miscarriages, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, mood swings, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, abnormal uterine bleeding, and endometrial cancer. Because of the different components of the condition, the photographs were taken around four categories: body, mind, treatment and food. Together the photographs present to the viewer a fragmented image of my body and my PCOS.

Learning about the condition and its complications came as a shock but also gave me a sense of reassurance. After 22 years, I finally feel like I am making progress towards truly connecting and controlling my body. The diagnosis made me spiral into a deep investigation of why it took so long to determine a condition that affected every aspect of my life, and in that investigation I was taken aback about how many women go undiagnosed, the gaslighting that the healthcare system in the USA consistently presents to women of color and the difference between the diagnosis of male and female doctors.


KIT(s)chen is an artwork which explores women's multiple everyday roles. Housewife, mother, dauther, sister, a woman. Women still searching for equality, still fighting for their freedom, for their right to live for themselves, to love whomever they please. Still fight for freedom of action.

To define yourself and set your own boundaries is a long and hard process. KIT(s)chen is a comment on the deformations and distortions produced by the modern feminism.


This photo is part of series - LOST PARADISE

Paradise – this series of works is part of a long-term project, but speaking in the light of today’s terrible events, this series is more suitable for the title – Lost Paradise, everything that happens in Ukraine is hell in the broadest sense of the word, everything now is divided into before and after. All aspects of the past life are being rethought. If the original idea of this series was a game with eternal youth, now it looks like memories of bygone days and youth that has irretrievably gone.

West Palm Beach

We are children playing adult, wandering through the fog, casting illusions of grandeur and promises of success beyond the periphery. Perhaps it is what goads us on, a flicker in the fade. 
My name is Arnauld D'Angelo Sylvain, and I am a painter. This work is a collection of photographs I've taken in Verona, Italy. During the Winter of 2017. All on 35mm film. During that winer, me a couple of architecture students were invited to stay in a Villa on the countryside of Verona while we ventured into the various towns of Italy in search of architectural treaures. 

Zhovti Vody

This photo is about modern girls who can be very strong, despite their fragility, lead people and be real inspirations.